Web Development

I use Javascript quite a lot in my Web Projects. I am familiar with DOM, HTML5, CSS and Javascript to create basic and dynamic websites. My Javascript projects can be found in my Git repository online. It is still being updated.

To utilise Javascript and create Javascript based files, you can use a text editor and a web browser and its built in Javascript engine for example Chrome to create and execute web documents with Javascript code.

Google's Polymer
Google's Polymer web technology is an exciting one. It allows you to use and create web components in your web projects and sites easily. My Polymer projects can be found in my Git repository online. It is also being updated.

Python is a general purpose and easy to use high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop applications, websites and web applications. 
To utilise Python, go to https://www.python.org/

Technical Writing 
Technical writing takes high-level technical information and processes it into logical and clear content for a specific audience.

Useful resources by Sarah Maddox, Google. Her blog can be found at https://ffeathers.wordpress.com/

Markdown Editor
Markdown quickly became very popular among web writers especially technical writers. Many technical writers find benefits in using Markdown for their documentation such as semantic meaning for content in a relatively simple way so that they can write rich formatted content extremely quickly (compared to writing directly in HTML tags)
You can read Markdown easily in plain text before rendered by HTML
It doesn’t interrupt your workflow with the need to click buttons
It’s platform-independent so your content is not tied to the format of your editor.

I use Dillenger or Visual Studio Code to create markdown documents. 

Markdown cheat sheet can be found at https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet

More info at https://document360.io/blog/markdown-for-technical-writing/

Git and GitHub
To use Git for backing up and tracking your documentation and source files, here is a summary of commands.

To create a repository to store files:
1. Create a folder on your PC and from the command line, execute git init to create a new repository to store and track your files.
2. Create a README.md file in this folder.
3. Create a .gitignore file which has a list that exclude certain files being added to the repository.
4. git add --all or git . (including the one dot) to add all tracked files to the repository
5. git status (to obtain the latest status of files in your repository).
6. git commit -m "my initial commit" (to add the files to the repository). 

To see the differences in source files, issue the following command:
git diff my_file

When you make changes to the source files and you need to update the repository, issue the following commands:
git add myfile1 myfile2
git add -u

git commit -m "made changes to myfile1 myfile2"

To see changes to the files, issue the following command,
git log

You will frequently use status and log commands for your GIT work.

Extra information on Git and Git Installation
Stackoverflow online
Jump Start Git book by sitepoint