Dave's Blog

My jottings - Egyptology, Coding, Cycling, Electronics, Philosophy, Science, Nature, Photography and more.

Dave's Gallery

Photo Gallery of my shots of people, animals and things in life I have been with. Family. Aeroplanes. Space. Travel.

Dave's Web Dev

Web Development. Java. Javascript. Google Polymer. Web Components. 

Deaf Dave

All about Deaf Dave.


What is Auslan? The sign language of deaf people, CODAs, Sign Language Interpreters and other people. 

Family Tree

My family tree research and resources. All associated with Deaf Dave and his family.


All things electronic! Arduino. Raspberry Pi.  Personal projects, Resources and more.


Auslan On Wheels - Deaf Sydney Bikes. Cycling stuff!


Sayings. Tips. Stoicism. Wabi Sabi. Hygge


Science and technology! Genetics. 


What is NDIS?Audism? Deaf and Hard of Hearing people?


Contact Deaf Dave. The best way to reach the purple man.